Credits Available: 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™: 1.0 contact hour of continuing pharmacy education credit; 1.0 contact hour for nurses

The overall goal of this CE initiative is to establish meaningful, small group interactions between clinicians involved in the care of patients with breast cancer that will, through a variety of collaborative educational experiences, help them optimally manage HER2-positive breast cancer patients who have received prior anti-HER2 targeted therapies.

Self Study

Live Group Discussions

  • Live Web Meeting 1

    This live meeting will consist of a Group Leader-led discussion on best practices related to treatment selection, monitoring and managing treatment related adverse events, and adherence challenges in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer.

  • Live Web Meeting 2

    This live meeting will consist of a Group Leader-led discussion to review key points from the group task and address group member questions and/or low scoring items on the baseline assessment.

Group Challenge

  • “Making Sense of the Evolving Standards of Care for Advanced HER2+ Breast Cancer”

    This group task involves the presentation of an authentic case scenario of an HER2+ metastatic breast cancer patient. Each participant will be assigned to describe one aspect of the comprehensive management of the case.

Curriculum is Currently Closed

Thank you for your interest. Currently, the curriculum is closed for enrollment but we encourage you to keep an eye out for future opportunities or alternative programs that might align with your educational goals.

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Completed Groups

Jaime Kaushik, PharmD
Clinical pharmacy specialist
Manpreet Chadha, MD
Annette Fontaine, MD
MD, Chief Medical Officer
Renee Donnelly, MSN, ANP-BC, AOCNP
Nurse Practitioner
Megan Langer, PharmD, BCOP
Medical Science Liaison, Hematology-Myeloid
Bhavesh Shah, RPh, BCOP
Associate Chief Pharmacy Officer Hematology/Oncology and Specialty Pharmacy
Jaime Kaushik, PharmD
Clinical pharmacy specialist
Aimee Faso, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner
Jennie Petruney, ANP
Sonya Reid, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor